The term "MizunoHana" is a combination of two Japanese words: "Mizuno," meaning water, and "Hana," meaning flower. The name represents the concept of...
The Stonks app is the perfect way to learn about Stocks trading without any risk. With the Stonks virtual trading simulator, you can trade and invest...
In 2022, I successfully landed an internship as a front-end developer on the React Native stack. As I was already familiar with React JS for the web,...
How I built cryptocademy - a platform to learn fundamentals of trading and cryptocurrency without risking real money. ยท When I see some posts on the...
In 2008, when Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for bankruptcy, it shook people's faith in banks so much that a new class of assets appeared without...
Developers often have a love-hate relationship with JavaScript because sometimes it doesn't work as expected. Learning JavaScript fundamentals and...